When you buy a new car, the manufacturer advises you to take your car for regular servicing to keep it well maintained and to prevent breakdown. Each time you take the car to your mechanic, you are advised on any issues which need addressing, before they turn into a major problem and a huge inconvenience, when the car grinds to a halt on a busy highway.
Carry out their advice, then for the most part you experience happy driving, prevention is the best method; ignore at your own peril. If we look at the history of Chinese medicine, then this idea of prevention rather than cure was embedded into their medical practice. Chinese doctors helped people to live a healthy, happy life by encouraging them to practice self-awareness, morality, personal behaviour, meditation and examination of own thoughts and feelings. Only Pay The Doctor When The Patient Is Healthy Li Shizhen - Ming Dynasty Doctor
Chinese doctors during the Ming Dynasty put looking after the body, mind and soul at the front and centre of medical practice. It became a popular belief that doctors should be paid as long as the patient was healthy. If patients went around their normal daily life free of pain and protected from disease, then the doctor would receive their money. If the patient was unhealthy, the doctor would not be paid until the patient was well again. This changed the view of medicine at that time to something that kept people well rather than curing any problems. Chinese medicine takes lessons from Shamanism, Taoism and Buddhism and looks at the health of the patient in the body, the happiness of the patient in the mind and includes a religious aspect with the soul. Today, Chinese medicine takes lessons from techniques used in the rest of the world however it has never let go of the original principals of acupuncture, herbal medicine, meditation, diet and massage. Maybe rather than waiting until issues arise before seeking help, it would be better to integrate alternative therapies, good diet, exercise, meditation etc into daily life, to focus on keeping healthy like Chinese medicine promotes. How does this fit with Reiki? Reiki treats the whole person on four levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, not just the physical ailment. Regular Reiki works to keep the energy flowing easily and thereby helping the body's immune system, to work to the best of its ability to fight infection and ailments. Reiki is there to support you to maintain good health (emotionally, mentally and physically), and not just when you encounter an unexpected illness. (Don't forget if you are experiencing illness you should also seek traditional medical advice from your GP).
Have you seen recently on the BBC, the latest GP appointment statistics?
90% of all doctor's practice visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints!
In the UK during 2019:
Over 8.6 million appointments were due to chest pains which were driven by stress-related mental illnesses.
Circulatory issues related to stress-related illnesses accounted for around 6.8 million appointments.
2.8 million made appointments with their GP because of musculoskeletal issues caused primarily by stress.
Reiki Boosts Mood and Sleep Researchers at Harvard Medical School followed 99 patients at multiple sites to determine the effects of a single Reiki session. The study, published in 2019 in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, found statistically significant improvements in anxiety and depression symptoms, as well as pain and nausea. Additional research suggests Reiki helps with depression and insomnia. A 2012 study in the Indian Journal of Positive Psychology looked at 40 women who suffered from depression and anxiety. Half of the group received a Reiki treatment twice a week for 10 weeks and the other half received no treatment. The women who received Reiki saw significant improvements in both their depression symptoms and sleep quality.
What are the ailments known to be caused by stress?
Heart disease
Depression and anxiety
Gastrointestinal problems
Alzheimer's Disease
Accelerated aging
Premature death
Why include Reiki for your well-being? Because stress causes ailments and Reiki reduces stress.